What is happening in harar church of joy?

What is happening in harar church of joy?

In the last one and half month we are not so many people serving in the church of joy but amazing things are happening. We are baptizing the people in water; Jesus is baptizing the people in Holy Spirit and in fire, we are preparing the people for bible school, Holy Spirit preparing the people heart for the bible school too. Next week Tuesday we will start the bible school, most probably we will have more than seven people in the class. On the other hand we are thinking to start leader training school with some of former bible school students once a week.

In the Sunday s meeting always there is great joy, people get saved, healed, many of our church members doing good.  Glory to living God  

In the church we started the bible teaching the last three Wednesday I have been teaching the 2nd Timothy book about good soldier of Christ Jesus.

I tried to show all the church about good soldier of Christ Jesus, the missions, characters, challenges, and commends of Christ.  Christ soldier have missions, preaching the gospel mat 28=18-20 every Christian received the great commission from Jesus. So everyone should live for the mission.

The commission of a good soldier of Christ Jesus 

Chapter 1=3-18

-         Not be ashamed to testify for Christ

-         Suffer for the gospel by the power of God

-         Keep the pattern of sound teaching

-         Guard the truth entrusted to him with the help of the Holy Spirit who lived in him.  

The character and conduct of a good soldier of Christ Jesus

Chapter 2=1-26

-         Strong in God s grace (strength)

-         Single minded

-         Secure in God s faithfulness

-         Student of the word

-         Set apart in godliness for God s purposes

-         Servant of the lord   

The challenge of the good soldier of Christ Jesus

Chapter 3=1-17

-         Main challenge for timothy was with respect to the ungodly society in which he lived, and things would only get worse. Many people including false teachers lives and are lovers of self, money, and pleasure…….

The command to the good soldier of Christ Jesus

Chapter 4=1-18

-         Preach the word

-              Always be prepared

-            Correct, rebuke and instruct with

                 With great patient

                 Careful instruction.

This was my teaching in the last three week; it was really breakthrough for many of our disciple

Yesterday we baptized three nice people; we can see their picture down here. 











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